Chapter 2 Overview

The setup instructions are presented in two parts:

  • Instructor Setup (this section): covers everything needed to set up yourself and any co-instructors or TAs to work on AnVIL. Depending on your team and funding, you may only need to do these steps once (and then make updates on an as-needed basis for changes in team members or funding).
  • Running the Class: covers how to grant your students access to AnVIL. These steps will need to be repeated for each new offering of the course.

2.1 What do I need to do?

You may not need to do everything in the instructor setup section!

This section contains instructions for setting up billing from scratch. If your funding is being managed by a third party (e.g. through a funding mechanism such as STRIDES or through your institution) you can skip some steps. The table below provides guidance on which steps you will need to complete:

Task Self-managed Funding 3rd-party Funding
Create Google Account Yes Yes
Set up Google Billing Yes Probably No (ask your funding manager)
Create Instructor/TA Group Only if you have co-instructors or TAs Only if you have co-instructors or TAs
Set up Terra Billing Projects Yes Probably Yes (ask your funding manager)