We currently have five active and on-going projects in JHU DaSL include projects ranging in topics from education, research, tech development, media and outreach.

Open Online Courses

A major educational initiative of the JHU DaSL is to create open-source online courses delivered through a range of platforms including Youtube, Github, Leanpub, and Coursera. We currently have four active MOOC programs that you can enroll in at any time. Join over 8 million other students in taking a course produced by the Johns Hopkins Data Science Lab! For more information, check out our what MOOCs we are working on here.

For example, check out our most recent course released on Coursera in December 2020 on Tidyverse Skills for Data Science in R!

Open Case Studies

Despite unprecedented and growing interest in data science on campuses, there are few courses and course materials that provide meaningful opportunity for students to learn about real-world challenges. Most courses provide unrealistically clean data sets that fit the assumptions of the methods in an unrealistic way. The result is that students are left unable to effectively analyze data and solve real-world challenges outside of the classroom.

To address this problem, we are developing Open Case Studies (OCS), an educational resource of case studies that educators can use in the classroom to teach students how to effectively derive knowledge from data. This resource will be accessible to educators across the world to teach students how to analyze data and solve challenges with data.

This project was selected as a High-Impact Project in 2019-2020 by the Bloomberg American Health Initiative and Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Cloud-based Data Science

Cloud-Based Data Science (CBDS) consists of two parts. One, a set of pay-what-you-want (including free!) massive open online courses that can be completed on any computer with a web browser and an internet connection.

Two, Cloud-Based Data Science Plus (CBDS+) is a no-cost, paid 14-week educational initiative for young-adult, high school and GED-graduates in Baltimore City. Offered by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in partnership with the Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition and Leanpub, CBDS+ aims to equip members of surrounding communities with the necessary skills and support required to work in the booming field of data science.

We aim to equip individuals from underserved populations with the necessary skills and support required to work in the field of data science. A portion of anything you pay for the online courses supports the CBDS+ program.

Technology Development

Developing technology and software is a major focus of the JHU DaSL team.

Data Science for American Health Conference

We will host a Data Science for American Health conference at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2020 to bring together data scientists to tackle and address public health challenges. More information coming soon!