Graduate TA positions

Our goal is to teach literally the whole world statistics and data science. we have a good jump start on that by teaching over 8 million students in massive online open courses we have developed so far. But we need help to get to the next level.

We have several open positions for graduate student TAs in development of online and technology driven educational material. If you are a masters or PhD student at Johns Hopkins you can apply by emailing Roger, Jeff or Brian about your interest. Applicants who submit something they’ve built (a Shiny App, a webpage, a tutorial, a swirl module) as part of their application will go to the front of the line.

Postdoctoral fellow in data science as a science

We have an open position funded by an NIH R01 to study data science through randomized experiments. We are currently running these experiments on the Coursera platform but will be exploring developing other platforms as well. We will be expanding on our recent theoretical model for the scientific process and developing experiments to evaluate the process step by step.

If you are interested in doing a postdoc send Jeff an email with your CV, a link to the software package you built, and a short (one paragraph) description of a research project you have imagined working on.