
Epi/Biostats Summer Institute - Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers 140.604.73

This course will provide “hands-on” training for learning how to analyze data in the R statistical software package. We will cover data input/output, data management and manipulation, and how to make useful and informative graphics.


By the end of the course, students should be comfortable:



  • Dates: June 10-14, 17-18, and 20-21, 2024 (In recognition of Juneteenth, there will be no class on Wednesday June 19th, 2024..)
  • Time: 1:30 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. ET


Instruction Team

  • Instructors: Carrie Wright (cwrigh60 at jhu.edu), Ava Hoffman (ava.hoffman at jhu.edu), Clifton McKee (cmckee7 at jhu.edu)
  • Teaching Assistants: Charlotte Clapham (cclapha1 at jh.edu), Tashnim Rafa (trafa1 at jh.edu)

Course Format

Course Evaluation

Course evaluations are very important for the school to determine what courses to continue to support. It also helps us to improve the course with your feedback.



All assignments are due June 28th at 11:59pm ET.

Assignment Percent of Grade
Attendance/Participation 20%
Homework 1 15%
Homework 2 15%
Homework 3 15%
Final Project 35%
Total 100%

Note: only people taking the course for credit must turn in the assignments. However, we will evaluate all submitted assignments in case others would like feedback on their work.


You should complete the following:

Module Details Code
Homework 1 Day 0 Instructions HTML
Homework 2 Rmd, HTML, Key, Key HTML
Homework 3 Rmd, HTML, Key, Key HTML

Final Project

This project should entail:

  • reading in a dataset of your choosing
  • doing some light data cleaning
  • performing some data summarization
  • creating a couple of visualizations
  • doing some very light statistical analysis, like regression or t-tests

You may use public datasets, or your own data for the project. If using your own dataset, be sure any sensitive information is protected.

Example projects can be found with the source code: Rmd, and the output html here.

See the guidelines/instructions for final projects, including dataset resources.


All assignments are due June 28th at 11:59pm ET.

Submit each assignment to the designated Drop Box on CoursePlus.

Assignment Extensions

We know that you will try your best to submit assignments on time. However, we understand that life happens. We can accept late assignments with a deduction of 2% of your assignment score per day late.

For example, if you scored 9/10 on an assignment (90%) but turned it in two days late, your score would be 8.6/10 (86%).

Code of Conduct

We would like to create an open, safe, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, intellectually stimulating, and hopefully fun class experience.

We strive to be a space in which individual differences are respected, so that each individual can reach their fullest potential.


  • Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
  • Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
  • Avoiding making assumptions about others
  • Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
  • Take the time to consider how your speech and actions may influence others
  • Actively seek to acknowledge and respect the boundaries of other members
  • Demonstrating academic integrity
    • Students can work together, but assignments must show unique contributions from the student who turns in the assignment
    • Students can use online resources for help, but assignments must show unique contributions from the student who turns in the assignment - plagiarism is not allowed
    • If students are struggling, reach out to instructors or TAs as early as possible

This applies to emails, surveys, Slack, Zoom, office hours, meetings with other students, instructors, or TAs.

Please reach out to a TA or instructor if you witness or experience a violation of the class guidelines or other JHU codes of conduct.


The University has developed avenues for reporting and for seeking help including:

  • JHU Sexual Assault Helpline, 410-516-7333 (confidential)
  • Campus Safety and Security, 410-516-7777
  • University Sexual Assault Response and Prevention website
  • Johns Hopkins Compliance Hotline, 844-SPEAK2US (844-733-2528)
  • JHU Office of Institutional Equity 410-516-8075 (nonconfidential)
  • Johns Hopkins Student Assistance Program (JHSAP), 443-287-7000
  • University Health Services - Mental Health (UHS-MS), 410-955-1892
  • The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FASAP), 443-997-7000