
Upon completion of this session, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Successfully install R and RStudio.
  2. Install your first R packages.


Day Module Lecture Activity Cheatsheets/Guides
Day 0 Homework 1 HTML


Install the latest version of R (4.4.2 (called ‘Pile of Leaves’) as of 2024-10-31)

For other operating systems, or if you prefer to access the download link from the official website, visit https://cran.r-project.org/ and select Download R for Linux, Download R for macOS or Download R for Windows based on which device you have.

Install the latest version of RStudio (Desktop):

You can also visit the RStudio website, https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/.

If you are using a computer issued from Hopkins, you may need to work with the IT department in advance to do these installations.

Homework 1

(Due Tuesday January 21st at 11:59pm ET - but we strongly suggest you complete it before the course starts):


📝 HOMEWORK 1: Questions (HTML)

Drop Boxes

Homework 1 Drop Box

Note: only people taking the course for credit must turn in the assignments. However, we will evaluate all submitted assignments in case others would like feedback on their work.