Chapter 10 Overview

More specific information about the length of each activity, as well as tips for using the activity in the classroom, can be found at the end of the book for each premade activity.

10.1 Before the class begins

This checklist can serve as a reminder of the overall suggested steps to run an activity on AnVIL. You might find yourself changing these steps slightly as you become more familiar with AnVIL.


  • Obtain funding through the STRIDES program (optional)
  • Request students make AnVIL IDs (Google IDs)
  • Collect AnVIL IDs (Google IDs) from students
  • Create Google Billing Account for your class


  • Create a Workspace for your class (optional)
  • Notify Terra of your course dates and times
  • Direct students to the Workspace (either newly created or premade)


  • Set up Groups to manage permissions
AnVIL Group Class Workspace Terra Billing Projects*
Instructor Owner Owner
Teaching assistants Writer Owner
Students Reader User

10.2 After the class ends


  • Remind students to download any files they might need
  • Tell students to delete their environments and persistent disks


  • Deactivate billing project