Chapter 5 Groups for easy management

Groups enable you to share your class Workspace and manage permissions for many people at once. We recommend starting with one Group for instructors and one Group for students.

5.1 Instructor Group

Create an informative, unique Group name for any co-instructors and teaching assistants. We suggest a combination of institution-class-role (e.g., “jhu-bmr2021-instructors”). Only letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes are allowed in Group names. To create a Group for instructors:

  1. Go to

  2. Click “+ Create a New Group”

    Screenshot of the Terra Group page. The "Create a New Group" button is highlighted.

  3. Type in your instructor Group name

  4. Click “CREATE GROUP”

    Screenshot of the Terra Group page with Create New Group pop out box. The Group name, jhu-bmr2021-instructors, has been entered and the "CREATE GROUP" button is highlighted.

You now have a unique instructor Group.

5.1.1 Add Instructors as “Admin” (Instructor Group)

Now that your instructor Group has been created, you should add any additional instructors. You should also ensure that they have the correct permissions.

  1. Go to and click on the instructor Group name. This page should also be visible at<group-name>.

    Screenshot of the Terra Group, and the specific Group that was just created. The Group Name is highlighted.

  2. Click on “+Add User”. You will be prompted to add the instructor’s AnVIL ID.

    Screenshot of the Terra Group page for the specific Group that was just created. The "+Add User" button is highlighted.

  3. Type in the instructor’s AnVIL ID

    Screenshot of the Terra Group for the specific Group that was just created, with "Add user to Terra Group" pop out box. The instructor`s AnVIL ID,, has been entered and the AnVIL ID (email) is highlighted.

  4. Make sure “Can manage users (admin)” is selected

    Screenshot of the Terra Group for the specific Group that was just created, with "Add user to Terra Group" pop out box. The instructor`s AnVIL ID,, has been entered and the checkbox "Can manage users (admin)" has been selected and is highlighted.

  5. Click ADD USER. This will take you back to the Group administration page.

    Screenshot of the Terra Group for the specific Group that was just created, with "Add user to Terra Group" pop out box. The instructor`s AnVIL ID,, has been entered and the "ADD USER" button is highlighted.

Make sure the newly added instructor displays “Admin” under “Roles” beside their AnVIL ID. Repeat this process for any additional co-instructors and teaching assistants.

Screenshot of the Terra Group for the instructor Group that was just created, where the newly added instructor is visible in the user list. The instructor`s AnVIL ID, is visible next to the role "Admin", which is highlighted.

5.2 Student Group

Next, you will create a Group for your students. Create an informative, unique Group name. We suggest a combination of institution-class-role (e.g., “jhu-bmr2021-students”). Only letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes are allowed in Group names. To create a Group for students:

  1. Go to

  2. Click “+ Create a New Group”

    Screenshot of the Terra Group page. The "Create a New Group" button is highlighted.

  3. Type in your student Group name

  4. Click “CREATE GROUP”

    Screenshot of the Terra Group page with Create New Group pop out box. The Group name, jhu-bmr2021-students, has been entered and the "CREATE GROUP" button is highlighted.

You now have a unique student Group.

5.2.1 Add Instructors as “Admin” (Student Group)

The next steps ensure any additional co-instructors and teaching assistants are able to administer the student Group in case you are unavailable. Follow the steps below to add each co-instructor in the student Group:

  1. Go to and click on the student Group name. This page should be visible at<group-name>.

    Screenshot of the Terra Group, and the specific Group that was just created. The student Group name is highlighted.

  2. Click on “+Add User”. You will be prompted to add the instructor’s AnVIL ID.

    Screenshot of the Terra Group page for the specific Group that was just created. The "+Add User" button is highlighted.

  3. Type in the instructor’s AnVIL ID

    Screenshot of the Terra Group for the specific Group that was just created, with "Add user to Terra Group" pop out box. The instructor`s AnVIL ID,, has been entered and the AnVIL ID (email) is highlighted.

  4. Make sure “Can manage users (admin)” is selected

    Screenshot of the Terra Group for the specific Group that was just created, with "Add user to Terra Group" pop out box. The instructor`s AnVIL ID,, has been entered and the checkbox "Can manage users (admin)" has been selected and is highlighted.

  5. Click ADD USER. This will take you back to the Group administration page.

    Screenshot of the Terra Group for the specific Group that was just created, with "Add user to Terra Group" pop out box. The instructor`s AnVIL ID,, has been entered and the "ADD USER" button is highlighted.

Make sure the newly added instructor displays “Admin” under “Roles” beside their AnVIL ID. Repeat this process for any additional co-instructors and teaching assistants.

Screenshot of the Terra Group for the student Group that was just created, where the newly added instructor is visible in the user list. The instructor`s AnVIL ID, is visible next to the role "Admin", which is highlighted.

5.2.2 Add Students as “Member”

Follow the steps below to add individual students to the student Group:

  1. Go to and click on the student Group name. This page should be visible at<group-name>.

    Screenshot of the Terra Group, and the specific Group that was just created. The student Group name is highlighted.

  2. Click on “+Add User”. You will be prompted to add an AnVIL ID.

    Screenshot of the Terra Group page for the specific Group that was just created. The "+Add User" button is highlighted.

  3. Type in the student’s AnVIL ID

    Screenshot of the Terra Group for the specific Group that was just created, with "Add user to Terra Group" pop out box. The student`s AnVIL ID,, has been entered and the AnVIL ID (email) is highlighted.

  4. Click ADD USER

    Screenshot of the Terra Group for the specific Group that was just created, with "Add user to Terra Group" pop out box. The student`s AnVIL ID,, has been entered and the "ADD USER" button is highlighted.

Make sure the newly added student displays “Member” under “Roles” beside their AnVIL ID. At present, each student’s AnVIL ID must be added separately.

Screenshot of the Terra Group for the student Group that was just created, where the newly added student is visible in the user list. The student`s AnVIL ID, is visible next to the role "Member", which is highlighted.

Your instructor and student Groups are now set up.

5.3 Group Email Lists

Note that your newly created Groups have Group emails associated with them. Take note of these Group emails. You will use them for granting access to your class Billing Projects and Workspaces. It saves you from having to add or revoke access to students one by one.

Screenshot of the Terra Group page. Emails associated with newly formed Groups have been highlighted.