- Introductions
- Class overview
- Getting R up and running
[Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash]
[Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash]
Poll: How are you feeling right now?
Carrie Wright (she/her)
Senior Staff Scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Associate, Department of Biostatistics, JHSPH
PhD in Biomedical Sciences
Email: cwrigh60@jhu.edu Web: https://carriewright11.github.io
Ava Hoffman (she/her)
Senior Staff Scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Associate, Department of Biostatistics, JHSPH
PhD in Ecology
Email: ava.hoffman@jhu.edu Web: https://avahoffman.com
Clif McKee (he/him)
Research Associate, Department of Epidemiology, JHSPH
Masters and PhD in Ecology
Email: cmckee7@jhu.edu Web: http://clifmckee.github.io
Lily Koffman
4th year PhD candidate in Biostatistics, BSPH
Research: wearable devices and functional data
Email: lkoffma2@jh.edu Web: https://www.lilykoff.com/
Please introduce yourself on Slack!
Learning a programming language can be very intense and sometimes overwhelming.
We recommend fully diving in and minimizing other commitments to get the most out of this course.
Like learning a spoken language, programming takes practice.
Learning R has been career changing for all of us, and we want to share that!
We want you to succeed – We will get through this together!
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics developed in 1991
R is both open source and open development
[source: http://www.r-project.org/]
Free (open source)
High level language designed for statistical computing
Powerful and flexible - especially for data wrangling and visualization
Extensive add-on software (packages)
Strong community
[source: https://github.com/rladies/meetup-presentations_baltimore]
Little centralized support, relies on online community and package developers
Annoying to update
Slower, and more memory intensive, than the more traditional programming languages (C, Perl, Python)
[source -School vector created by nizovatina - www.freepik.com]
What do you hope to get out of the class?
Why do you want to use R?
[Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash]
Materials will be uploaded the night before class. We are constantly trying to improve content! Please refresh/download materials before class.
[source - Banner vector created by pch.vector - www.freepik.com]
Homework and Final Project due by Tuesday January 21st at 11:59pm ET.
If you turn homework in earlier this can allow us to potentially give you feedback earlier.
Note: Only people taking the course for credit must turn in the assignments. However, we will evaluate all submitted assignments in case others would like feedback on their work.
If you can, we suggest working virtually with a large monitor or two screens. This setup allows you to follow along on Zoom while also doing the hands-on coding.
Found on our website under the Resources
tab: https://jhudatascience.org/intro_to_r/resources.html
Error messages can be scary!
We will also dedicate time today to debug any installation issues
Install the latest R version (4.4.2 (called ‘Pile of Leaves’) as of 2024-10-31)
More detailed instructions on the website.
RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it easier to work with R.
More on that soon!
🏠 Class Website - logistics, resources, and help!
🩺 Pulse Check - https://forms.gle/rdsXr6u964H6PyRQA