The following resources may be helpful to students as they work on their projects with one another.

Assignment Resources

Topic Resource Use
Guidelines for Critical Reflection Course Guide to Critical Reflection This guide can help you to think about prompts in different ways and remind you of good practices.
Critical Reflection Journal Reflection Journal Template This template can serve as an example for how to structure your reflection journal.Please submit your journal using this form
Slack Discussions Contributing to Slack Discussions This document has instructions for how to participate in an asynchronous class discussion using Slack.

Critical Service-Learning Resources

Topic Resource Use
SOURCE - the community engagement and service-learning center at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public health * SOURCE website
* SOURCE resources
* Service Opportunities
SOURCE has lots of valuable resources on the philosophy of critical service-learning, as well as information on other ways to engage with the community
Course reading material Course assignments and extra reading resources Please see the course schedule for additional resources about the history of Baltimore and the US, as well as reading material about the basis of critical service-learning.

Baltimore Resources

Topic Resource Use
Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (BNIA) Resources * Learning Modules
* BNIA Data
*GIS mapping resources
BNIA has data,learning modules, and information related to Baltimore Neighborhoods
General information SOURCE Baltimore Information Learn more about the Baltimore community
Baltimore Neighborhood Data Spatial extent/data for Baltimore’s Neighborhoods

Project Planning and Infrastructure Resources

Topic Resource Use
Project Organization and Resources Suggestions for project planning and Resources Thoughts about how to track communications, take notes, share files, create timelines and other graphics, write code, and work on GitHub together. You are allowed to use other options, but this should help get you started.
Project template form Form to aid planning discussions This form will help the group document and make important planning decisions about the project.

R Resources

Topic Resource Use
Flexashboards School Shooting Open Case Study
Data visualization and organization branding
Dashboards can be a great way to demonstrate many aspects about a data set efficiently. They can help tell a data story. Flexdashboard is a fairly simple and free tool to make dashboards.
Shiny Welcome to Shiny
Mastering Shiny Book
Shiny can be used to create dashboards and other interactive applications.
Data Visualization Data visualization and organization branding R has many opportunities for customizing visualizations to the organization’s needs.
Extracting text from images Youth Disconnection Open Case Study You might find that you need to import text from image files.
Importing data from an API Opioid Case Study Some common websites (like many social media websites) have APIs that allow you to access data.
Importing multiple files Vaping Behaviors Case Study It can be helpful to programmatically import files efficiently using fewer steps.
Sentiment analysis tidytextmining Sentiment analysis can be useful for understanding the “emotional intent” of text data.
Importing Google Sheet data Advanced Data IO - UW Course
Tidyverse Course - Google Sheets
Securely bring Google Sheet data into R without downloading data.

Git and GitHub Resources

Topic Resource Use
General Resource Why?
Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about version control? (PeerJ paper)
Why should I use version control?
Happy Git and GitHub for the use R
Git - the Simple Guide
Managing GitHub and RStudio
Video - Using Git and Github in RStudio
Best Practices for Git and GitHub
Danger-free Git Practice
Git and GitHub are great for version control to ensure that you don’t lose any of your work and you can clearly see how your code (or other files) changed over time
Reproducibility & GitHub Actions ITN Advanced Reproducibility Course GitHub Actions can help you to automate aspects about your work. It is especially helpful when you are rendering files and working with a team.