
Welcome to Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers!

This course is for students who have little to no familiarity with the R programming language and want to learn more about how to use R to import, wrangle, visualize, and analyze data.

The course will provide students with “hands-on” training for analyzing data with the R programming language for statistical computing, a popular open-source solution for data analysis and visualization.


Carrie Wright (cwrigh60 at jhu.edu), Ava Hoffman (ava.hoffman at jhu.edu), Clifton McKee (cmckee7 at jhu.edu)

Teaching Assistant

Lily Koffman (lkoffma2 at jhmi.edu)



“Thanks all for a wonderful course! I feel super confident in R now and I am excited to apply what we learned to future projects. Cheers !!”

“I feel like a data witch now! I just say poof and the data looks the way I want”

“OK - this is getting to be too much fun now”

“My 14 year old thinks this class looks cool and wants to take it (she’s a wanna be engineer)”

Find an Error!?

Feel free to submit typos/errors/etc via the GitHub repository associated with the class: https://github.com/jhudsl/intro_to_r

This page was last updated on 2025-01-24.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.