Chapter 1 Deploying, Training, and Interpreting Deep Learning Models for regulatory genomics in AnVIL
Led by: Anshul Kundaje & Vivekanandan Ramalingam, Stanford University
AnVIL Outreach coordinator: Kate Isaac
1.1 About This Track
The “Deploying, Training, and Interpreting Deep Learning Models for Regulatory Genomics in AnVIL” CoFests! track at the AnVIL Community Conference offers hands-on training for users and developers interested in applying deep learning to regulatory genomics. This track aims to demonstrate how deep learning models can be utilized for functional genomics datasets, such as ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq, at scale via AnVIL. Participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of the steps involved in deploying, training, and interpreting these models, including the available input options and how to leverage the resulting outputs to address various biological questions.