Performs a HTTP GET method to request the IDs of every slide in a Google Slides presentation. The ID of the first slide is always 'p'.
token = NULL,
access_token = NULL,
refresh_token = NULL
URL whose 'General access' is set to 'Anyone with the link'
OAuth 2.0 Access Token. If you don't have a token, use [authorize()] to obtain an access token from Google's OAuth 2.0 server.
Access token can be obtained from running authorize() interactively (token <-authorize(); token$credentials$access_token). This allows it to be passed in using two secrets.
Refresh token can be obtained from running authorize() interactively (token <-authorize(); token$credentials$refresh_token). This allows it to be passed in using two secrets.
Character vector of object ID(s)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# First, obtain access token and store token for extract_object_id() to use
authorize(client_id = "MY_CLIENT_ID", client_secret = "MY_CLIENT_SECRET")
# Use stored token to talk to Google Slides API
extract_object_id(slide_url = "
} # }