Create a version of the course that does not have a TOC and has quizzes in the Coursera yaml format. This is only needed to be used on Bookdown courses. Quarto has a simple command for this.
output_dir = file.path("docs", "no_toc"),
output_yaml = "_output.yml",
convert_quizzes = FALSE,
input_quiz_dir = "quizzes",
output_quiz_dir = "coursera_quizzes",
verbose = TRUE
A folder (existing or not) that the TOC-less Bookdown for Coursera files should be saved. By default is file.path("docs", "coursera")
A output.yml file to be provided to bookdown. By default is "_output.yml"
TRUE/FALSE whether or not to convert quizzes. Default is TRUE
A path to a directory of Leanpub-formatted quiz md files. By default assumes "quizzes" and looks in current directory.
A folder (existing or not) where the coursera quizzes should be saved. By default is "coursera_quizzes".
Would you like the progress messages? TRUE/FALSE
A folder of coursera ready quiz files and html chapter files saved to output directories specified.