Check URLs of all md,rmd,and qmd files
path = ".",
output_dir = "check_reports",
resources_dir = "resources",
report_all = FALSE
path to the bookdown or quarto course repository, must have a `.github` folder which will be used to establish the top of the repo.
A relative file path to the folder (existing or not) that the output check file should be saved to. Default is "check_reports"
A relative file path to the folder (existing or not) that the ignore_urls.txt file and exclude_files.txt will be found. Default is "resources". If no ignore_urls.txt file and exclude_files.txt files are found, we will download one.
Should all URLs that were tested be returned? Default is FALSE meaning only broken URLs will be reported in the url_checks.tsv file.
A file will be saved that lists the broken URLs will be saved to the specified output_dir.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
rmd_dir <- setup_ottr_template(dir = ".", type = "rmd", render = FALSE)
# If there are broken URLs they will be printed in a list at "check_reports/url_checks.tsv"
qmd_dir <- setup_ottr_template(dir = ".", type = "quarto", render = FALSE)
} # }