For a file path to a quiz, check whether it is properly formatted for Leanpub.
check_quiz(quiz_path, verbose = TRUE, ignore_coursera = TRUE)
A file path to a quiz markdown file
print diagnostic messages? TRUE/FALSE
Coursera doesn't like `!` or `:` in the quizzes. Do not convert quizzes to coursera and ignore ! and : in question prompts that would not be allowed in Leanpub quizzes when converted to a Coursera quiz. Default is to ignore Coursera compatibility
A list of checks. "good" means the check passed. Failed checks will report where it failed.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Take a look at a good quiz's checks:
quiz_path <- good_quiz_path()
good_checks <- check_quiz(quiz_path)
# Take a look at a failed quiz's checks:
quiz_path <- bad_quiz_path()
failed_checks <- check_quiz(quiz_path)
} # }