R Projects are a super helpful feature of RStudio. They help you:
Stay organized. R Projects help in organizing your work into self-contained directories (folders), where all related scripts, data, and outputs are stored together. This organization simplifies file management and makes it easier to locate and manage files associated with your analysis or project.
Find the right files. When you open an R Project, RStudio automatically sets the working directory to the project’s directory. This is where RStudio “looks” for files. Because it’s always the Project folder, it can help avoid common issues with file paths.
Be more reproducible. By encapsulating all the files for an analysis within a single project, R Projects enhance reproducibility. You can share the entire project directory with others, and they can replicate your environment and analysis without much hassle. This is particularly important for research and collaborative work where transparency is key – i.e., for publications!
Let’s go over how to create and use an R Project!
Let’s make an R Project so we can stay organized in the next steps. Click the new R Project button at the top left of RStudio:
In the New Project Wizard, click “New Directory”:
Click “New Project”:
Type in a name for your new folder.
Store it somewhere easy to find, such as your Desktop:
You now have a new R Project folder on your Desktop!
Make sure you add any scripts or data files to this folder as you go through your Intro to R lessons, or work on a new project. This will make sure R is able to “find” your files.
Let’s read in some data.
needs an argument file =
is the path to your file, in quotation marks# Examples
dat <- read_csv(file = "www.someurl.com/table1.csv")
dat <- read_csv(file = "/Users/avahoffman/Downloads/Youth_Tobacco_Survey_YTS_Data.csv")
dat <- read_csv(file = "Youth_Tobacco_Survey_YTS_Data.csv")
If we aren’t reading from URL, and we are Reading from your computer.. What is the “path”?
When you set up an R Project, R looks for files in that folder.
Download the data file at http://jhudatascience.org/intro_to_r/data/Youth_Tobacco_Survey_YTS_Data.csv. Move downloaded files into the R Project folder.
Confirm the data is in the R Project folder.
If we add the Youth_Tobacco_Survey_YTS_Data.csv
file to the R Project folder, we only need to use the file name for the file
dat <- read_csv(file = "Youth_Tobacco_Survey_YTS_Data.csv")
When we create an R Project, we establish the working directory.
Working directory is a folder (directory) that RStudio assumes “you are working in”.
It’s where R looks for files.
The working directory is wherever the .Rproj
file is.
If your R project directory and working directory do not match:
If you are trying to knit your work, it might help to set the knit directory to the “Current Working Directory”:
You can also run the getwd()
function to determine your working directory.
# Get the working directory
You can also set the working directory manually with the setwd()
# set the working directory
packagethe here()
function from the here
package gives you the absolute path of the R Project file. It can be useful for being very explicit about what the path is.