In this lab you can use the interactive console to explore but please record your commands here. Remember anything you type here can be “sent” to the console with Cmd-Enter (OS-X) or Ctrl-Enter (Windows/Linux) (But only inside the code chunks designated with the {r} areas).

Part 1

First let’s get the OCSdata package if we haven’t already. We added an argument here so you don’t have to select a mirror.

install.packages("OCSdata", repos='')
## Installing package into '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
## (as 'lib' is unspecified)
# don't forget to load the packages that you will need!

Now let’s load the opioid related datasets by running this chunk.


Check that it worked by seeing if you have the county_pop data.

## # A tibble: 28,265 × 10
##    BUYER_COUNTY BUYER_STATE countyfips STATE COUNTY county_name NAME    variable
##    <chr>        <chr>       <chr>      <int>  <int> <chr>       <chr>   <chr>   
##  1 AUTAUGA      AL          01001          1      1 Autauga     Autaug… B01003_…
##  2 BALDWIN      AL          01003          1      3 Baldwin     Baldwi… B01003_…
##  3 BARBOUR      AL          01005          1      5 Barbour     Barbou… B01003_…
##  4 BIBB         AL          01007          1      7 Bibb        Bibb C… B01003_…
##  5 BLOUNT       AL          01009          1      9 Blount      Blount… B01003_…
##  6 BULLOCK      AL          01011          1     11 Bullock     Bulloc… B01003_…
##  7 BUTLER       AL          01013          1     13 Butler      Butler… B01003_…
##  8 CALHOUN      AL          01015          1     15 Calhoun     Calhou… B01003_…
##  9 CHAMBERS     AL          01017          1     17 Chambers    Chambe… B01003_…
## 10 CHEROKEE     AL          01019          1     19 Cherokee    Cherok… B01003_…
## # ℹ 28,255 more rows
## # ℹ 2 more variables: year <int>, population <int>


What class is county_pop?

## [1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"


How many observations (rows) and variables (columns) are in the dataset - try the dim() function?

## [1] 28265    10
## [1] 28265
## [1] 10


Next, rename the column BUYER_STATE to be State_name (hint - use rename() and watch out for the order of the new and old names!).

county_pop <- rename(county_pop, State_name = BUYER_STATE)
## # A tibble: 6 × 10
##   BUYER_COUNTY State_name countyfips STATE COUNTY county_name NAME      variable
##   <chr>        <chr>      <chr>      <int>  <int> <chr>       <chr>     <chr>   
## 1 AUTAUGA      AL         01001          1      1 Autauga     Autauga … B01003_…
## 2 BALDWIN      AL         01003          1      3 Baldwin     Baldwin … B01003_…
## 3 BARBOUR      AL         01005          1      5 Barbour     Barbour … B01003_…
## 4 BIBB         AL         01007          1      7 Bibb        Bibb Cou… B01003_…
## 5 BLOUNT       AL         01009          1      9 Blount      Blount C… B01003_…
## 6 BULLOCK      AL         01011          1     11 Bullock     Bullock … B01003_…
## # ℹ 2 more variables: year <int>, population <int>


Convert the column names of county_pop to be all lower case. Use rename_with(), and the tolower command.

county_pop <- rename_with(county_pop, tolower)
## # A tibble: 6 × 10
##   buyer_county state_name countyfips state county county_name name      variable
##   <chr>        <chr>      <chr>      <int>  <int> <chr>       <chr>     <chr>   
## 1 AUTAUGA      AL         01001          1      1 Autauga     Autauga … B01003_…
## 2 BALDWIN      AL         01003          1      3 Baldwin     Baldwin … B01003_…
## 3 BARBOUR      AL         01005          1      5 Barbour     Barbour … B01003_…
## 4 BIBB         AL         01007          1      7 Bibb        Bibb Cou… B01003_…
## 5 BLOUNT       AL         01009          1      9 Blount      Blount C… B01003_…
## 6 BULLOCK      AL         01011          1     11 Bullock     Bullock … B01003_…
## # ℹ 2 more variables: year <int>, population <int>
## [1] 28265    10

Practice on Your Own!


How can you print the first 3 rows and the last 3 rows of county_pop (in two lines of code)?

head(county_pop, 3)
## # A tibble: 3 × 10
##   buyer_county state_name countyfips state county county_name name      variable
##   <chr>        <chr>      <chr>      <int>  <int> <chr>       <chr>     <chr>   
## 1 AUTAUGA      AL         01001          1      1 Autauga     Autauga … B01003_…
## 2 BALDWIN      AL         01003          1      3 Baldwin     Baldwin … B01003_…
## 3 BARBOUR      AL         01005          1      5 Barbour     Barbour … B01003_…
## # ℹ 2 more variables: year <int>, population <int>
tail(county_pop, 3)
## # A tibble: 3 × 10
##   buyer_county  state_name countyfips state county county_name   name   variable
##   <chr>         <chr>      <chr>      <int>  <int> <chr>         <chr>  <chr>   
## 1 SKAGWAY       AK         02230          2    230 Skagway       Skagw… B01003_…
## 2 HOONAH ANGOON AK         02105          2    105 Hoonah Angoon Hoona… B01003_…
## 3 PETERSBURG    AK         02195          2    195 Petersburg    Peter… B01003_…
## # ℹ 2 more variables: year <int>, population <int>

Part 2


Create a subset of the county_pop that only contains the columns: county_name, year, and population and assign this object to pop_sub - what are the dimensions of this dataset?

pop_sub <- select(county_pop, county_name, year, population)
## [1] 28265     3


Start with county_pop again instead of the dataset you just made. Subset the data to only include the population column and the columns that end with “_name”. Hint: use select() and ends_with(). Assign this subset of the data to be pop2. Again take a look at the data and check the dimensions.

pop2 <- select(county_pop, population, ends_with("_name"))
## # A tibble: 28,265 × 3
##    population state_name county_name
##         <int> <chr>      <chr>      
##  1      51328 AL         Autauga    
##  2     168121 AL         Baldwin    
##  3      27861 AL         Barbour    
##  4      22099 AL         Bibb       
##  5      55485 AL         Blount     
##  6      10776 AL         Bullock    
##  7      20815 AL         Butler     
##  8     115388 AL         Calhoun    
##  9      34945 AL         Chambers   
## 10      25466 AL         Cherokee   
## # ℹ 28,255 more rows
## [1] 28265     3


Pull the variable county_name from pop2. How does this differ form selecting it? Use head() to take a look at both options.

head(pull(pop2, county_name))
## [1] "Autauga" "Baldwin" "Barbour" "Bibb"    "Blount"  "Bullock"
head(select(pop2, county_name))
## # A tibble: 6 × 1
##   county_name
##   <chr>      
## 1 Autauga    
## 2 Baldwin    
## 3 Barbour    
## 4 Bibb       
## 5 Blount     
## 6 Bullock


Subset the rows of county_pop that have more than 100000 for population - how many rows are there? Use filter().

county_pop_sub <- filter(county_pop, population > 100000)
## [1] 5159


Subset the rows of county_pop that have a year value less than 2010 and more than 100000 population - how many are there?

filter(county_pop, year < 2010 & population > 100000) # all of these options work
## # A tibble: 2,260 × 10
##    buyer_county state_name countyfips state county county_name name     variable
##    <chr>        <chr>      <chr>      <int>  <int> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>   
##  1 BALDWIN      AL         01003          1      3 Baldwin     Baldwin… B01003_…
##  2 CALHOUN      AL         01015          1     15 Calhoun     Calhoun… B01003_…
##  3 ETOWAH       AL         01055          1     55 Etowah      Etowah … B01003_…
##  4 JEFFERSON    AL         01073          1     73 Jefferson   Jeffers… B01003_…
##  5 LEE          AL         01081          1     81 Lee         Lee Cou… B01003_…
##  6 MADISON      AL         01089          1     89 Madison     Madison… B01003_…
##  7 MOBILE       AL         01097          1     97 Mobile      Mobile … B01003_…
##  8 MONTGOMERY   AL         01101          1    101 Montgomery  Montgom… B01003_…
##  9 MORGAN       AL         01103          1    103 Morgan      Morgan … B01003_…
## 10 SHELBY       AL         01117          1    117 Shelby      Shelby … B01003_…
## # ℹ 2,250 more rows
## # ℹ 2 more variables: year <int>, population <int>
nrow(filter(county_pop, year < 2010 & population > 100000))
## [1] 2260
nrow(filter(county_pop, year < 2010, population > 100000))
## [1] 2260


Subset the rows of county_pop that have a year value of less than or equal to 2010 and more than 100000 population - how many are there?

filter(county_pop, year <= 2010 & population > 100000) # all of these options work
## # A tibble: 2,834 × 10
##    buyer_county state_name countyfips state county county_name name     variable
##    <chr>        <chr>      <chr>      <int>  <int> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>   
##  1 BALDWIN      AL         01003          1      3 Baldwin     Baldwin… B01003_…
##  2 CALHOUN      AL         01015          1     15 Calhoun     Calhoun… B01003_…
##  3 ETOWAH       AL         01055          1     55 Etowah      Etowah … B01003_…
##  4 JEFFERSON    AL         01073          1     73 Jefferson   Jeffers… B01003_…
##  5 LEE          AL         01081          1     81 Lee         Lee Cou… B01003_…
##  6 MADISON      AL         01089          1     89 Madison     Madison… B01003_…
##  7 MOBILE       AL         01097          1     97 Mobile      Mobile … B01003_…
##  8 MONTGOMERY   AL         01101          1    101 Montgomery  Montgom… B01003_…
##  9 MORGAN       AL         01103          1    103 Morgan      Morgan … B01003_…
## 10 SHELBY       AL         01117          1    117 Shelby      Shelby … B01003_…
## # ℹ 2,824 more rows
## # ℹ 2 more variables: year <int>, population <int>
nrow(filter(county_pop, year <= 2010 & population > 100000))
## [1] 2834
nrow(filter(county_pop, year <= 2010, population > 100000))
## [1] 2834


Why do the answers for 2.5 and 2.6 differ?

# They differ because there are rows with values that are exactly 2010.

Practice on Your Own!


Subset the rows of county_pop for rows that have state_name of NM, or less than 10000 population. How many rows have both?

filter(county_pop, state_name == "NM" | population < 10000)
## # A tibble: 6,526 × 10
##    buyer_county    state_name countyfips state county county_name name  variable
##    <chr>           <chr>      <chr>      <int>  <int> <chr>       <chr> <chr>   
##  1 GREENE          AL         01063          1     63 Greene      Gree… B01003_…
##  2 ALEUTIANS EAST  AK         02013          2     13 Aleutians … Aleu… B01003_…
##  3 ALEUTIANS WEST  AK         02016          2     16 Aleutians … Aleu… B01003_…
##  4 BRISTOL BAY     AK         02060          2     60 Bristol Bay Bris… B01003_…
##  5 DENALI          AK         02068          2     68 Denali      Dena… B01003_…
##  6 DILLINGHAM      AK         02070          2     70 Dillingham  Dill… B01003_…
##  7 HAINES          AK         02100          2    100 Haines      Hain… B01003_…
##  8 LAKE AND PENIN… AK         02164          2    164 Lake and P… Lake… B01003_…
##  9 NOME            AK         02180          2    180 Nome        Nome… B01003_…
## 10 NORTH SLOPE     AK         02185          2    185 North Slope Nort… B01003_…
## # ℹ 6,516 more rows
## # ℹ 2 more variables: year <int>, population <int>
nrow(filter(county_pop, state_name == "NM" & population < 10000))
## [1] 72


Select the variables that contain the letter “a” from cars_mt_copy.

select(county_pop, contains("a"))
## # A tibble: 28,265 × 7
##    state_name state county_name name                   variable  year population
##    <chr>      <int> <chr>       <chr>                  <chr>    <int>      <int>
##  1 AL             1 Autauga     Autauga County, Alaba… B01003_…  2006      51328
##  2 AL             1 Baldwin     Baldwin County, Alaba… B01003_…  2006     168121
##  3 AL             1 Barbour     Barbour County, Alaba… B01003_…  2006      27861
##  4 AL             1 Bibb        Bibb County, Alabama   B01003_…  2006      22099
##  5 AL             1 Blount      Blount County, Alabama B01003_…  2006      55485
##  6 AL             1 Bullock     Bullock County, Alaba… B01003_…  2006      10776
##  7 AL             1 Butler      Butler County, Alabama B01003_…  2006      20815
##  8 AL             1 Calhoun     Calhoun County, Alaba… B01003_…  2006     115388
##  9 AL             1 Chambers    Chambers County, Alab… B01003_…  2006      34945
## 10 AL             1 Cherokee    Cherokee County, Alab… B01003_…  2006      25466
## # ℹ 28,255 more rows

Part 3


Create a subset called county_2012 from county_pop that only contains the rows for the year 2012 and only the columns: county_name, state_name, population. year should not be included in county_sub. What are the dimensions of this dataset? Don’t use pipes (%>%) and instead do this in two steps creating the county_2012 object with filter and updating it with select.

county_2012 <- filter(county_pop, year == 2012)
county_2012  <- select(county_2012, county_name, state_name, population)
county_2012 # can get dimensions just from viewing the tibble
## # A tibble: 3,140 × 3
##    county_name state_name population
##    <chr>       <chr>           <int>
##  1 Autauga     AL              54590
##  2 Baldwin     AL             183226
##  3 Barbour     AL              27469
##  4 Bibb        AL              22769
##  5 Blount      AL              57466
##  6 Bullock     AL              10779
##  7 Butler      AL              20730
##  8 Calhoun     AL             117834
##  9 Chambers    AL              34228
## 10 Cherokee    AL              25917
## # ℹ 3,130 more rows
dim(county_2012) # alternatively can use dim() function
## [1] 3140    3


Try the same thing again with pipes %>%.

county_2012 <- county_pop %>%
  filter(year == 2012) %>%
  select(county_name, state_name, population)
## # A tibble: 3,140 × 3
##    county_name state_name population
##    <chr>       <chr>           <int>
##  1 Autauga     AL              54590
##  2 Baldwin     AL             183226
##  3 Barbour     AL              27469
##  4 Bibb        AL              22769
##  5 Blount      AL              57466
##  6 Bullock     AL              10779
##  7 Butler      AL              20730
##  8 Calhoun     AL             117834
##  9 Chambers    AL              34228
## 10 Cherokee    AL              25917
## # ℹ 3,130 more rows
## [1] 3140    3

What happens if you do the steps in a different order? Why does this not work?

#county_2012 <- county_pop %>%
#  select(county_name, state_name, population) %>%
#  filter(year == 2012)
# you get an error because there is now year variable to filter from


Re-order the rows of county_2012 by population in increasing order. Use arrange(). What is county with the smallest population?

county_2012 <- arrange(county_2012, population)
## # A tibble: 3,140 × 3
##    county_name state_name population
##    <chr>       <chr>           <int>
##  1 Loving      TX                 85
##  2 King        TX                227
##  3 McPherson   NE                348
##  4 Kenedy      TX                451
##  5 Arthur      NE                490
##  6 Loup        NE                534
##  7 Petroleum   MT                566
##  8 Blaine      NE                584
##  9 Grant       NE                608
## 10 Harding     NM                612
## # ℹ 3,130 more rows
arrange(county_2012, population) %>%
  head(n = 1) %>%
## [1] "Loving"


Create a new variable in county_2012 called pop1000, which is equal to population divided by 1000, using mutate()(don’t forget to reassign county_2012). Use pipes %>%.

# General format
county_2012 <- county_2012 %>% mutate(pop1000 = population/1000)

Practice on Your Own!


Move the state_name column to be before county_name in the county_2012 dataset. Use relocate().

county_2012 <- county_2012 %>% relocate(state_name, .before = county_name)
## # A tibble: 3,140 × 4
##    state_name county_name population pop1000
##    <chr>      <chr>            <int>   <dbl>
##  1 TX         Loving              85   0.085
##  2 TX         King               227   0.227
##  3 NE         McPherson          348   0.348
##  4 TX         Kenedy             451   0.451
##  5 NE         Arthur             490   0.49 
##  6 NE         Loup               534   0.534
##  7 MT         Petroleum          566   0.566
##  8 NE         Blaine             584   0.584
##  9 NE         Grant              608   0.608
## 10 NM         Harding            612   0.612
## # ℹ 3,130 more rows


How can you find the value of population for Chambers AL without just looking at the data manually and instead use functions we learned today?

county_2012 %>%
  filter(county_name == "Chambers", state_name == "AL") %>%
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##   population
##        <int>
## 1      34228