While its nice to be able to read in a variety of data formats, it’s equally important to be able to output data somewhere.
The readr
package in the tidyverse provides data exporting functions which have the pattern write_*
, others.From write_csv()
write_csv(x, file,
na = "NA", append = FALSE,
col_names = !append, quote_escape = "double",
eol = "\n", path = deprecated()
: data frame you want to write
: file path where you want to R object written; it can be:
, .txt
, or .tsv
)# Examples
write_csv(dat, file = "YouthTobacco_newNames.csv")
write_delim(dat, file = "YouthTobacco_newNames.csv", delim = ",")
What does write_csv()
do? Saves data to:
A. R’s memory
B. A file on your hard drive
C. A ggplot
is an extension for R native file format.
and read_rds()
from readr
package can be used to write/read a single R object to/from file.
Saving datasets in .rds
format can save time if you have to read it back in later.
# write an object: a data frame "dat"
write_rds(dat, file = "yts_dataset.rds")
# write an object: vector "x"
x <- c(1, 3, 3)
write_rds(x, file = "my_vector.rds")
# read an object from file and assign to a new object named "y"
x2 <- read_rds(file = "my_vector.rds")
[1] 1 3 3
You may want to export a set of objects from R for later use, either to save time or to use in another R script. You can output these to an .RData
file individually, or save your entire Environment with save.image()
save(x, x2, file = "x_x2_output.RData")
save.image(file = "my_environment.RData")
If there is an .rds
or .RData
file that you want to work with, you can open it into your environment using the file icon.
Can also save your entire environment or a subset of objects in your environment to a new .RData
file with the save icon. Click the “List” button and switch to “Grid” to select which objects to delete or keep before saving the Environment.
A few options:
ggsave(filename = "saved_plot.png", # will save in working directory
plot = rp_fac_plot,
width = 6, height = 3.5) # by default in inches
and write_delim()
from the readr
package to write your (modified) data.rds
files can be handy for saving intermediate worksave()
and save.image()