Pad Wave Objects

pad_wav(wav, duration = NULL)



list of Wave objects


If NULL, the duration will simply round the Wave up to the next whole integer. If not, these are the duration to pad the Wave *to*. For example 12 means the output Wave will have a length of 12 seconds. Pass NA to those Waves that you want simple rounding.


A list of Wave objects, same length as input wav


wavs = list( tuneR::noise(duration = 1.85*44100), tuneR::noise()) out = pad_wav(wavs) dur = sapply(out, function(x)length(x@left)/ x@samp.rate) duration = c(2, 2) out = pad_wav(wavs, duration = duration) dur = sapply(out, function(x)length(x@left)/ x@samp.rate) stopifnot(all(dur == duration)) duration = c(2, 2.5) out = pad_wav(wavs, duration = duration) dur = sapply(out, function(x)length(x@left)/ x@samp.rate) stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(dur, duration)))