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The goal of text2speech is to harmonize various text-to-speech engines, including Amazon Polly, Coqui TTS, Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API, and Microsoft Cognitive Services Text to Speech REST API.

With the exception of Coqui TTS, all these engines are accessible as R packages:

text2speech directly incorporates the functionality of Coqui TTS.


You can install this package from CRAN or the development version from GitHub with:

# Install from CRAN

# or the development version from GitHub
# install.packages("devtools")


Check for authentication. If not already authenticated, users must individually configure it for each service.


# Amazon Polly
#> [1] TRUE
# Coqui TTS
#> [1] TRUE
# Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API 
#> [1] TRUE
# Microsoft Cognitive Services Text to Speech REST API
# tts_auth("microsoft")


List different voice options for each service.

# Amazon Polly
voices_amazon <- tts_amazon_voices()
#>   voice         language language_code gender service
#> 1 Zeina           Arabic           arb Female  amazon
#> 2 Zhiyu Chinese Mandarin        cmn-CN Female  amazon
#> 3  Naja           Danish         da-DK Female  amazon
#> 4  Mads           Danish         da-DK   Male  amazon
#> 5 Ruben            Dutch         nl-NL   Male  amazon
#> 6 Lotte            Dutch         nl-NL Female  amazon

# Coqui TTS
voices_coqui <- tts_coqui_voices()
#> ℹ Test out different voices on the CoquiTTS Demo (<>)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   language     dataset       model_name                    service
#>   <chr>        <chr>         <chr>                         <chr>  
#> 1 multilingual multi-dataset your_tts [already downloaded] coqui  
#> 2 bg           cv            vits                          coqui  
#> 3 cs           cv            vits                          coqui  
#> 4 da           cv            vits                          coqui  
#> 5 et           cv            vits                          coqui  
#> 6 ga           cv            vits                          coqui

# Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API 
voices_google <- tts_google_voices()
#>              voice language language_code gender service
#> 1 af-ZA-Standard-A     <NA>         af-ZA FEMALE  google
#> 2 ar-XA-Standard-D   Arabic         ar-XA FEMALE  google
#> 3  ar-XA-Wavenet-D   Arabic         ar-XA FEMALE  google
#> 4  ar-XA-Wavenet-C   Arabic         ar-XA   MALE  google
#> 5  ar-XA-Wavenet-A   Arabic         ar-XA FEMALE  google
#> 6 ar-XA-Standard-B   Arabic         ar-XA   MALE  google

# Microsoft Cognitive Services Text to Speech REST API
# voices_microsoft <- tts_microsoft_voices()
# head(voices_microsoft)

Convert text to speech

Synthesize speech with tts(text = "TEXT", service = "ENGINE")

# Amazon Polly
tts("Hello world!", service = "amazon")

# Coqui TTS
tts("Hello world!", service = "coqui")

# Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API 
tts("Hello world!", service = "google")

# Microsoft Cognitive Services Text to Speech REST API
tts("Hello world!", service = "microsoft")

The resulting output will consist of a standardized tibble featuring the following columns:

  • index: Sequential identifier number
  • original_text: The text input provided by the user
  • text: In case original_text exceeds the character limit, text represents the outcome of splitting original_text. Otherwise, text remains the same as original_text.
  • wav: Wave object (S4 class)
  • file: File path to the audio file
  • audio_type: The audio format, either mp3 or wav
  • duration : The duration of the audio file
  • service: The text-to-speech engine used