Create your OTTR repository from the OTTR_Template_Website repository

In the upper right, click on:

Set your repo to Public

Enable workflow actions

In your OTTR repository, go to Settings in the top navigation tabs settings icon

Go to Actions (General) in the side navigation actions icon

Under Workflow permissions

  1. Select Read and write permissions

  2. Check Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests

  3. Click Save

Set up your GitHub personal access token

A. Create a personal access token

Click on your profile photo in the upper right profile icon

Go to Settingssettings icon

Go to Developer Settings in the side navigation developer settings icon

Select Generate new token (classic) personal access token icon

Underneath Select Scopes, check both repo and workflow


Copy the personal access token copy icon

B. Save the copied personal access token as a repository secret

In your OTTR repository, go to Settings in the top navigation tabs settings icon

Go to Secrets and variables in the side navigation secrets icon

Click on Actions

Under Repository secrets, click on
New repository secrets

Under Name, enter GH_PAT

For Secret, paste your copied personal access token

Click on:
Add secret

Set up GitHub Pages

In your OTTR repository, go to Settings in the top navigation tabs secrets icon

Go to Pages in the side navigation pages icon

In the Build and deployment section

  1. Under Source, select Deploy from a branch
  2. Under Branch, pick main and choose /docs, and click Save

at the bottom of the page, check Enforce HTTPS

Enroll your OTTR repository for template updates

Refer to our Template Updates Cheatsheet